Planning Board Meeting Exhibits
Planning Board Meeting Items – Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Public Hearing:
P-24-028 – SALVATORE MOSCATO – Site: 299 Avenue C, LLC; Block 266, Lot 26 [The applicant is seeking preliminary and final major site plan approval to convert the ground-floor commercial space into a residential dwelling unit for a total of three (3) residential units; variances relief is being sought for lot area, lot frontage, lot width, parking, structure, and usable open space.]
(Planning Report to be sent at a later date)
Public Hearing:
P-24-010 – 398 BROADWAY, LLC – Site: 398 Broadway, LLC; Block 226, Lot 44 [The applicant is seeking preliminary and final major site plan approval for an extension of the ground floor rear and second floor to the rear of the building to include additional space for the dance studio as well as additional room for the residential portion of the building with variance relief for lot area, lot frontage, rear yard setback, lot coverage, open space requirement, habitable floor area and number of off-street parking spaces.]
- A-3
- A-3 (Revised)
- A-4
- A-5
- A-6
- A-7
- A-8
- A-9
- A-10
- A-11
- A-12
- A-13
- A-14
- A-15
- A-16
- A-17
- A-18
- A-19
- A-20
- A-21
Public Hearing:
P-24-003 – SHREE LAKSHMI VARDAYINI URBAN RENEWAL, LLC – Site: Block 751, Lots 1.06, 1.07, 1.08, 1.09, 1.10, 1.12, 1.14, and 1.16 [The applicant seeks an amendment to the GDP only for the block and lots listed.]
(Engineering and Planning Report to be sent at a later date)
Public Hearing:
P-23-017 – MAHALAXMI BAYONNE URBAN RENEWAL, LLC – Site: One Flagship Street; Block 751, Lots 1.11, 1.14 and 1.15 [The applicant seeks an amendment to the GDP only for the blocks and lots listed.]
- A-3
- A-4
- A-4 (Revised)
- A-5a
- A-5b
- A-5c
- A-6
- A-7
- A-8
- A-9
- A-10
- A-11
- A-11 (Updated)
- A-12
- A-13
- A-14
- A-15
- A-16
- A-17
- A-18
- A-19
- A-20
- A-21
- Approved GDP Plans
- Prior Chosin Few & 40th Street
- Prior Site Plan
Planning Board Meeting Items – Tuesday, January 14, 2025
P-24-035 - Presentation of an amended Redevelopment Plan for property located at 43-75 Mechanic Street and Northwest of Route 440 between East 22nd Street/East 25th Street in Block 451, Lots 1.01,1.02, 2.03, 2.04 and 2.05; Block 452.02, Lots 3-9 and 11 as shown on the official Tax Map of the City of Bayonne (former Clayton Block)
P-23-001 - Presentation of an Non-condemnation Area in Need of Redevelopment Study for property located in City Block 418, Lots 3 and 4; Block 419, Lots 1 and 1.01; Block 427, Lot 3; Block 480, Lot 1; Block 481, Lots 3, 3.01, 5.03, and 6; and Block 482, Lots 3, 4, 4.01, 5, and 6 to develop a map reflecting the boundaries of the proposed non-condemnation redevelopment area and to determine whether said property constitutes a non-condemnation area in need of redevelopment in pursuant to the LRHL, N.J.S.A. 40A:12A-1 et seq. (IMTT)
P-23-012 - Presentation of a Redevelopment Plan for property located at 28-34 East 22nd Street and known as Block 212, Lots 30, 31 and 32 as shown on the official Tax Map of the City of Bayonne (Fryczynski Funeral Home)